My 1st & 2nd Grade Friends are working with a variety of tools discovering Digital Storytelling. Several I have found are excellent for opening up their imaginations and me getting to witness the flow of their creativity!
A true fan of ABCYa!....their "Animate" program is quite something! It includes 100 frames that the Students can use to create their story, along with many images from transportation, people, landscape, foods, sports and more to add to each frame. Once their story is complete, they click on the 'Play' button, sit back and enjoy the ride! The stories can also be downloaded and saved for future viewing. I like how easy it is to create a frame, add text and view. It is recommended for 3rd thru 5th Grades, ideally....however, my 1st & 2nd Grade Friends picked it up pretty quickly and created some great stories! An added bonus: an iPad app is available to download Free from iTunes!
Happy Storytelling!
Elana Moore