Thursday, January 18, 2018

Digital Citizenship - It's Not Just For Kids!

I'm going to have to unload here. These are two topics that students have heard me talk about over and over again, and yet I look at the adults in our community; those that the students are watching and I roll my eyes and shake my head that these basic digital citizenship rules are violated every time.

#1 - Posting Comments Online
Our school system calling for a snow day and the adults in our community just don't get along, where I am from. No matter how careful they are about reaching out to all the experts in weather conditions, county roads and more when making the decision, adults get so angry - regardless that the decision comes with the safety and well being of staff and the student being their topmost concern. Social media and the county's webpage are updated with the decision and within seconds, adults will post such angry comments about the message, the timing of the message, questioning the mental capacity of who made the decision or who posted the message. Adults will go on vicious rants and it's not just about the message, they will even go on these rants with each other, responding to comments of comments. They will call each other names and say such awful things to one another. I can't hardly believe what I'm reading! What has gotten into people?

Folks: the school is closed! Your child's well being was a top concern when making the decision. The roads are iced over or snow is falling in record amounts. Buses in our county cannot travel safely in these conditions. High school students driving in these conditions is even more concerning. Heating in some older school buildings is not adequate to keep your child warm throughout the day. School staff cannot travel safely to get to school to teach and tend to your child. Electricity is out or trees and other hazards pose an issue. Stop complaining! Be grateful that all of this is taken into account for the safety of your child. And, please, stop posting such horrible and angry things online!

As we try every day to ensure your child is safe online and creating a rock-solid digital footprint - reading your comments only undermines everything we have done to create a safe and sound digital environment for your child going forward.

Bottom line: Clean it up, adults - your kids are watching!

#2 - News Outlets Posting Pictures Without Permission Or Without Giving Credit
What a beautiful snow day! Parents and neighbors of the school sent in pictures for us to post on the school's social media and webpage. These are adorable pictures of kids sledding, throwing snowballs and just having a grand time. Of course, any photo used is given complete credit to the person who took the picture - parent, a school's neighbor, staff member. That's only the right thing to do.

But today (and many times in the past), the local paper went online and used those images to capture what was happening around the county. Sadly, one huge item was missing - not giving credit to the picture's creator. It begged the question: are they above this rule? Shouldn't a news agency know better than this?

Parents curiously asked if they should complain or if we would be complaining? Here's the sad and dreadful answer: "We are truly sorry you were not given credit for such a beautiful picture. Your kids are delightful and we really appreciate you sharing your image." On the flip side of that is the notion that if we complain, that news agency will stop posting our wonderful activities for the rest of the community to see. You see, it's a double-edged sword. Their posts of our school is a big part of our branding. Does this answer make it right?  NO!!! It upsets me as much as it upsets the parent or neighbor. It's irresponsible and terribly unfair.

Bottom line: if you are using someone else's picture - a picture you did not personally take - you must give that person full credit for that image. Period!

These are such basic digital citizenship rules that we cover with students everyday. If adults don't do these things, mindfully, the student can easily opt-out, claiming adults don't comply, why should they?

Now...that is sad!