Saturday, February 9, 2019

Small Town Robotic Challenge

In Tech, K-2nd grade friends are blending their knowledge of maps, robotics and coding to meet today's "Small Town Robotic Challenge". On our map are replicas of our school, the fire station, police station, hospital, general store, play ground and more. Everything that can be found in a small town is added to our experience - including familiar street names.

Each team of two is given a card that gives a small storyline challenge that the team will need to code their robot to complete. The teams look at the map, determine their path, measure the length of a rotation on their robot, code the robot and away they go. If there are issues, they debug and try again.

This lesson includes: mapping, coding, debugging, algorithms, civic ed, teamwork, critical thinking, problem solving, math, digital storytelling and so much more.