Yesterday was a surreal day for me.
This is a picture of me in my car, fully loaded with robotic equipment, heading to my first of the season VEX IQ Robotics Middle School Qualifier…. just like I’ve done for the last eight seasons.
Along with my 8 teams, there were 14 other teams who, by coincidence or not, had a teammate that had either been on a past team of mine or had attended one of the camps I held at school. All the members of one 'homegrown' team had teammates from several years of past teams – and – their coach was from one of the first teams I coached.
I kept thinking, “This is like seeing my life flash before my very eyes”. I hugged at least 15 other team’s kids yesterday – and – their parents.
Every one of them did so well, including my 8 new teams. I could not be happier or prouder.
Folks – if you have kids, especially ones that are not very good at sports or music, you must get them into robotics! It will change their life!
Trust me on this one...