Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Coding - Google's Way!

Google again 'hits it out of the park' with these two fun coding experiences:

Made with Code - a series of fun activities and projects that really get the imagination going!  My favorite is Yeti, a cute monster getting ready for the 'big performance' with a jig on stage! Each project comes with easy instructions, but further tinkering is a big part of the experience.  I rate this for 3rd thru 5th grade. It's for both boys and girls, but I've found the girls particularly enjoy it and has become their program of choice.

December came alive with Santa Tracker, where the user is transported to Santa's Village for a large assortment of games, coding experiences and a link to learn more about how the holidays are celebrated around the world (very interesting stuff!).  Kinder thru 5th had a blast trying the various activities!  This made Lab time that last week of School before break actually bearable and fun for all - thank you Google!