Sunday, April 2, 2017

Hi-5 to Digital Literacy!

One of the biggest challenges we face, day in and day out, is making certain Students can think through any tech issues and try to solve these issues on their own. Ask: "What would happen if an adult were not in the room...what would you do then?" We come up with five possible solutions for each tech issue they might face. If the issue comes up, they first must do the Hi-5 before asking for more help!

Here are some typical solutions...some Hi-5's!

Hi-5 to Login Issues:
  1. Are their any extra spaces?
  2. Is your username spelled correctly?
  3. Are the numbers on your username correct?
  4. Is your password correct?
  5. If all else fails, clear both boxes and begin again.

Hi-5 to Printer Issues:
  1. Which printer did you print to?
  2. Is the printer turned on?
  3. Is there paper in the printer?
  4. Are the ink levels good?
  5. Is there a paper jam?

Hi-5 to Programs/App functioning:
  1. Is the server up and running properly?
  2. Do you have too many windows open?
  3. Have you refreshed your screen recently?
  4. How about quitting and retrying?
  5. Have you tried a different browser?