Sunday, April 2, 2017

Spring and Science Apps - They Seem to go Hand-in-Hand!

Spring has sprung and new life has begun! What better way to get in the spirit of things than a few nice apps that will complement just about any Science activity this season has to offer!  Here's some of my favorites!

 Nestwatch - This site will fascinated you with the spectacular images and interesting information about birds, migration and more. An all time favorite! We learn about birds, then go out into our courtyards and do a little bird watching of our own!

Project Bud Burst - learn all about plants, planting tips, when to plant, how to plant and more! I don't really have a green thumb, but this site helps inspire me to try!

PBSKids have SciGirls - a super site for girls to get their science-on! I love the activities! Fun!

Huge fan of Wonderopolis- I love reading and learning all about the wonder of the day - nice brain-break!

Zooniverse -another really cool app, with great images and information!